You know you're getting old when the years just seem to go by more and more quickly. It's hard to believe our sweet Nathan is already six! I have to write his birthday blog before I get behind because Josiah's birthday is fast approaching. Nathan has grown and matured in the past year and is a delightful six-year-old. He continues to be very active, contemplative, sensitive to others and somewhat pessimistic! He is all boy and our days of calling water pistols "squirters" are long gone. Nathan is constantly asking us for a bow and arrow, which we have resisted, but light sabers and pretend guns and bombs supply the arsenal for our boys. His birthday present from Paul was a skateboard and he is a natural with an easy grace. Paul was apparently a skate rat in his younger days, so Nathan takes after him. He also share a love of airplanes and kites with Paul. Nathan is pretty good on the remote-control airplane trainer box. He (and Sammy) have also recently been working on pinewood derby cars with Paul for the school race this week.
I imagine he would be a good gymnast. He hardly ever sits in a chair right side up - prefers to be on his head! This makes school a bit of a challenge, but he is becoming more and more comfortable with reading and I love seeing this open the world for him since I also love to read. Math is his strong suit and he is good at a new game we have called SET where you look for patterns in a set of cards. It's a game that Paul and I find challenging. He is also good at Pictionary - both the drawing and guessing parts. So that was another birthday gift. Although this is a game that I love, his artistic talent does not come from me!
Nathan has normal spats with his brothers and friends, but is a good friend. He is sensitve to the feelings of others. He loves his baby brother and it's very sweet to see them together. Isaac of course adores Nathan (Na-Na.) and Nathan dotes on him (as do we all!)
Of all the things I love about Nathan, his endless questions are the most fascinating. He wonders about heaven, God, life and death. One day a couple weeks ago we were saying prayers together and Nathan prayed that he would see Granddaddy when he gets to heaven. We started talking about the fact that we don't need to worry if we are going to heaven or not if we have asked Jesus to forgive us and live in our heart. He said, "I want to do that right now." and proceeded to pray that God forgive him and be in charge of his life. It is such a privilege to see these moments of faith in our little ones and I was so thankful to share this one with Nathan. Happy birthday our precious boy. May this next year bring many blessings and joy in your life as you have done in ours!