This week we are back in Quito. We have been in Shell almost two years now and it's nice to have a few days in a row here where we started our Ecuador tour. We love the cooler weather, city life, lack of bugs and seeing our friends here. Yesterday we drove in and went to a mall for dinner to that ubiquitous American institution that our kids think is the ultimate dining experience. The garage parking for the mall had new sensor lights installed at every parking place and electronic signs directing you to the available parking places. Very modern and pretty cool. We really did feel like hicks coming into the big city. We haven't seen anything like this even in the States, but maybe it's common there, too, now. Unfortunately we agreed to that "restaurant" for it's playground which had been torn out to be remodeled. Another unfortunate thing, with rather providential timing is that our brakes started grinding as we arrived in Quito, so today it's being fixed and we are enjoying a quiet day sticking close to the Guesthouse. Nathan and Josiah are enamoured with TV programs since all we watch in Shell are videos and Paul and Sammy are playing Stratego while I read and Isaac naps. We hope to catch up on some of the blogs that are only written in my mind while we are here. And we are trying not to think about the fact that this is our friends the Skillins last week in Quito before moving to Uraguay. Sammy and Laura were best friends in Kindergarten when we were here and they have visited us many times in Shell. Maybe their move will be our chance to do a South America tour!
Oh, by the way, any guesses on what "restaurant" we went to?