It's hard to nail down a typical day here. There's always something strange going on. Yesterday Paul was in the O.R. for about 12 hours. That is not usual, but we have a third missionary surgeon on staff now, so it may become more common. There are several things that Wednesdays bring regularly - I visit the orphanage Casa de Fe, Paul goes to the hospital doctors' meeting in the afternoon and the fruit lady comes! This is one of the things I love about living here. Produce delivered weekly to my driveway! I am even willing to pay exorbitant prices for this convenience. (For example, apples are 4/$1 instead of 5/$1.) The truth is that produce is easily available a short walk in several directions from the house, but I am spoiled by the fruit lady and not likely to change. It's really 2 fruit ladies and a man who drives them down from Ambato, 2 hours away. Strawberries, pineapples, tomatoes and mandarin oranges are almost always in season and cost a couple dollars each for a weeks worth. This week the fruit lady made my day by bringing me basil, which is not as available around here. We'll be eating lot's of brushetta this week! You can see our friendly fruit ladies in the picture below and our wagon full of the week's produce.

The fruit lady remembers when I was pregnant with Isaac and seems to have a special fondness for him. She always gives him an extra mandarina and asks about him if he doesn't come out. All the boys love mandarinas and can eat 3 or 4 at a time, but Isaac is especially fond of them and can make a meal out of them. Here he is with Josiah showing off their snack!
Yesterday was also unusually clear and we were able to see the volcano Tungurahua spewing ash! This is about an hour away in the town of Banos. This is our back yard with the compound playground and a neighbor's house in the foreground.
From the same spot, but with the zoom.