Sunday, July 25, 2010

Texans in Shell

We have some Texas visitors in Shell this month - the Hardin family who lived here for 4 years and are back to help out for a few weeks.  They treated us to a Hoedown, Texas style.  Now I don't quite claim roots in Texas, but this sure did feel like home!  And 3 of the boys are born Texans and my husband might as well be.  So all in all, it was great fun, from two-stepping, to sunflower seeds, to line-dancin, to spittin' watermelon seeds. 

Nathan won the watermelon-seed spitting contest in the kids category!  He was thrilled because in his words, "I don't usually win things!"

Isaac was very attached to Paul all night, giving him double the work-out.

Sammy square-danced with Mom and was an excellent partner.

Josiah enjoyed the deputization of the kids and the chicken dance.

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