We made it back to Ecuador late this August 2012 and shortly thereafter I resumed my post as one of the anesthesia providers at Hospital Vozandes del Oriente. One of my first patients was an 8 year old boy who had been burned. Daniel's clothes had caught fire at his house about 3 weeks before and he suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his left flank, shoulder, arm and thigh. His initial care was given at a public hospital about 6 hours away by car. From what we could surmise, his care was adequate but, as is typical with burn care, the recovery process is long and arduous which includes multiple potentially painful dressing changes which can be helped by sedation medications. Looking for a second opinion and partly, I believe in hopes of speeding up the healing process without using so many sedation medications, Daniel's father brought him to our hospital. He had already been through a great deal by this time so, upon initial inspection of his wounds, we were reluctant to recommend that we take him to the operating room for another debridment and careful inspection of his burns. Daniel's face told it all which was a mixture of exhaustion and exacerbation by this whole process. Hesitantly, Daniel's father agreed to allow the procedure but I assured him we would care for him as if he were our own. We found a sizable area of infected tissue but, thankfully, much more healing or healed. Daniel would go on to need many more daily sessions of sedation for dressing changes and the days seemed to drag on and on for him. Wondering how to creatively cheer him up, I prayed that this would be an opportunity for Daniel and his father to learn about Christ's love for them and how the could trust Him for their salvation. Daniel is the same age as my son Nathan so I got the idea that Nathan and I could visit him and give him some paper and markers to draw some pictures. Later that week, we did just that and what a wonderful boost it was. Each day when I would visit him for his dressing change, he would show me another picture that he had drawn. I also got the idea for Nathan and I to cheer him up with a little "r/c airplane" therapy. The boys and I have built several model airplanes together and so I decided to show him how our "red baron" plane flys. Behind the hospital is a small grassy area where I had Daniel and his father meet us. Nathan pointed the plane into the wind and off it went. Wow, what a pleasure to share a hobby of mine with Daniel and his dad. They really enjoyed seeing that thing loop and dive over the hospital. Afterward, I prayed with Daniel and his father that the Lord would heal, encourage, and show Himself to Daniel and his father in the coming days.

Several days later I entered Daniel's room and he again showed me his collection of artwork. I suggested that he ask the nurses for some tape so he could decorate his room with the pictures. I was pleased to find out that he was being discharged home that day!
Throughout his stay with us, Daniel wore a child sized hospital gown which was brightly colored so began to call him "Daniel and his multi-colored coat." This reminded me of the biblical Joseph and
his multi-colored coat. Like Joseph, Daniel has undergone a lengthy ordeal in his life and I hope and pray that, as Joseph did, Daniel would continue to trust in God's care for him knowing that God truly loves him and is ultimately in control.
Wow, that's cool. I love the pictures of him. Thanks for sharing, Paul.